lørdag 3. september 2011

Oh, Sweet Jesus!

Not sure if it's in a good way! Everything worked hard against us yesterday. So badly that at the and of the day, all we could do, was laugh! The day started right after my arrival to the airport.. First i met a bitch working at the cafe i was buying food, then i walked over to the gate(as the last person to enter the flight) and i had the boarding-pas, but they could not find me in the system. Why? Cause my tickets were not paid for, something that is supposed to be impossible, cause i had my boarding-pas!
When i finally arrived to Spain and my dad picked me up at the airport, we actually crashed a car on the way home... That's not the worst of it... We just "touched" the other women's old, ugly, already crashed car, and she went Loca! She made the police come, and they were writing papers and calling people, and she was writing papers and calling people. And no one spoke INGLES! So after one hour standing outside in the pissing-rain, looking and smelling like wet dogs, we had to go over to the station. I don't know why, cause it did not make any difference! We were sitting there with the same papers, no internet to help us talk to each other, with the same crazy lady. After a while we got to a agreement which was to bring the car over to a car-shop right away.. and when we got there it was all this for f*%$# 90 euro!:) Great!
When that was over we went to my dads friends tattoo shop where everyone were. Including the couple we were supposed to stay with, and they were fighting as hell! And she just said right in my face that we were not welcome right now, and if we were staying she probably would just want to kick us out anyway. Nice! So then we had no place to stay. And we are both poor people, so having to stay and pay for a hotel-room Is not the best option after all the extra money we had to use through the day. And then my dad almost gave me a heart-attack when he thought he had lost his passport!
But me and my dad(who are born on red light, and never gets lucky) decided to look on the bright side of things -> I did get on the flight, came to Spain, we were done with the crazy lady the same day, we got out of the police station (the car is not legal), we did not have to sweat through all the stress (cause of the bad weather), It was available rooms at the hotel, and it feel's great to sleep in "peace". My dad get's his new apartment over the weekend and i could find internet at the hotel!(It's not something you can find anywhere in Spain)
So far so good! I woke up 5 this morning with stomachache, but then i got time to write for you so that's OK too.

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